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About Us...

     As we have journeyed through life together we have grown together in our love for plants and gardening. While discussing our plans for life after retirement (we are both teachers), we often toyed with the idea of a small nursery. God's plans for this endeavor unfolded for us a few years ago.

     We had heard of a green house for sale in our local community. As we prepared to buy the house, the owner decided not to sale. A year later, a logging company were cutting trees a small distance from us. I stopped and talked with the supervisor and he said he would be glad to thin our trees and clear cut us a two acre lot for a future green house and nursery location. The VERY next day we received a phone call and were told if we wanted the green house we could come get it for free! Our journey began! Isn't God awesome!!

Our  Name


As we decided on a name, we agreed to Tripe T Nursery. This was a two fold name, as it not only represented our three children, but it also gave us a way to witness to those whom we serve by using the name to also represent the three t's, crosses, on Calvary.

Our Vision

Our vision for our business is to honor God in all that we do. We strive to offer quality plants at prices that are affordable so that all may enjoy His creations.

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